Agricultural Watering System

Ag Watering System on cement

What is an agricultural watering system?

Meltz Industries provides and installs a multitude of agricultural watering systems for rotational grazing animals. Rotational grazing takes a large pasture and divides it into smaller areas or paddocks using movable fencing. Animals graze one paddock for a short time then get moved to another paddock. Moving paddocks allows for the grasses to rest and recover.

Agricultural Watering System

Like the animals which are moved throughout the pasture, the waters source moves with them. using above ground waterlines, quick coupler valves with water tanks or recycled tractor tires, the cattle can openly graze throughout the pasture when temperatures are above freezing. Meltz Industries -husband and wife team installed over 8 miles of above ground waterline on one job!

For cattle which are grazed during the winter months an underground agriculture watering system is installed. Some underground watering systems Use electricity for attached heaters, while others use geothermal heating from the ground to keep water thawed.

 Most agricultural watering systems are placed upon a concrete slab which is atop of a larger area of pea gravel. This is called a heavy use area. A heavy used area is where the animals gather around the water source. A heavy use area helps to maintain the integrity of the ground surrounding the waterer.

Rotational grazing is considered as sustainable agriculture. It improves pasture quality, improves productivity, and weight gain providing farmers with an economical benefit.  Environmentally it provides habitat for birds that thrive native prairies allowing for nesting areas. It also prevents erosion and agricultural runoff.

Agricultural Watering System - water coming out of a hose at a pasture

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